
Showing posts from January, 2020

There is Alleged Bullying of Junior High School Students Happening in Bekasi City, KPAD Will Learn First

Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi . The Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD) has received reports of alleged bullying delivered by parents named Azmi Fitriyasah (45), on Friday (6/12/2019). Tekda Beko Bagarri, KAPD Commissioner of Bekasi City, said that his party will study the report so far. "We have received reports related to allegations of beatings and children being expelled from schools, we will study the report first to take the next step," said Tekda at the Bekasi City Election Commission office. In this case, the KPAD will coordinate with each commissioner so that the steps taken are appropriate and have no impact on children. "We learn first for the report here we have a team we will discuss with other commissioners to follow up on what we will take," he explained. When asked about the evidence submitted by the reported party regarding the alleged bullying, the KPAD so far has not received it directly. The report is only...

Alleged Bullying Middle School Boy in Bekasi City, KAPD Will Clarify the School

Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi . The Bekasi City Child Protection Commission (KPAD) has received reports of alleged bullying that befell a junior high school boy with the initials P (13). Furthermore, the report will be studied first. Bekasi City KPAD Commissioner, Tekda Beko Bagarri, said that a possible step would be to call on the school to ask for clarification. "From the school we will definitely clarify the reasons as to what later assessments from schools like we will listen to," said Tekda at the KPAD office in Bekasi City, Friday (12/06/2019). However, he could not be sure when the call will be made. His party needs to study the report first and ask for input from each KPAD commissioner. "We can not convey, yes we have to discuss it later with the team, we first study the existing cases like what we can then convey or run for the next step like what," he explained. The contents of the report submitted by P parents, Azmi Fitriya...

Not Issued, This Is An Explanation of School Board Related Students Allegedly Bullying Victims

Siswa SMP Al Azhar 31 Dianiaya . Allegations of bullying that befell students initials P (13), was denied by the Al-Azhar 32 Islamic Middle School Summarecon Bekasi. The school also dismissed the news the student was expelled. Sumarwanto, Public Relations of the Al-Azhar School, said that at Summarecon 31 Al-Azhar Islamic Middle School, Bekasi is known for its student discipline book system. This book is an indicator that records student behavior during education and is given an assessment point for what each student does. "Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points proportional to the weight of the violation committed by the student," Sumarwanto said. This rule is known and agreed upon by the school and parents or guardians counted since students are registered as students. "If the student violation points accumulate to a certain amount, then the student will get the toughest sanction, which is willing to resi...

Bekasi City KPAD Summons Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Regarding Alleged Bullying Case

Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 . The Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD) summoned the Summarecon Bekasi Islamic Middle School 31 Al-Azhar Middle School regarding reports of alleged student bullying with the initial P (13), Wednesday (11/12/2019). observations, a number of school representatives of approximately five people came to meet the call to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, South Bekasi District, Bekasi City. Bekasi City KPAD Chair, Aris Setiawan said the first summons was a form of clarification of the report received by his party from P student's parents, Fitriyasah (45) "We have already called and clarified, it has been conveyed from the school regarding complaints that came to us," Aris told The results of this clarification will continue to be explored. Aris asserted that there were two statements that were mutually contradicting the alleged bullying that allegedly happened to P. students. "We...

Accused of Not Responding to Alleged Bullying, Here's the Explanation of Al-Azhar Summarecon Islamic Middle School Bekasi

SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi l-Azhar Islamic Middle School 31 Summarecon Bekasi has denied the alleged bullying that befell its former student initials P (13). Sumarwanto, Public Relations School of Al-Azhar in a written statement received by, Monday (12/09/2019), said there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students. "In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said. As for the expenditure on P students from school, he explained, this was in accordance with applicable regulations. "Every student who violates the rules listed in the code of conduct, will be charged points that are proportional to the weight of the violations committed by students," he explained. "If the student violation points accumulate to a certa...